Crazy Hats donation brings chemo suite funds to quarter million mark

Executive fundraiser Glennis Hooper
A fundraising appeal to refurbish the chemotherapy suite at Northampton General Hospital has reached the quarter of a million pounds mark thanks to the sterling efforts of local cancer charity Crazy Hats.
The Northamptonshire charity, which raises money to improve breast cancer care in the county, presented a £30,000 cheque to the chemotherapy suite appeal, taking the total raised so far to £250,000.
The £30k was raised earlier this year at the annual Crazy Hats walk at Wicksteed Park. The donation has been earmarked to pay for the cost of refurbishing the treatment preparation room in the chemotherapy suite.
The treatment preparation room is currently divided into two rooms, an arrangement which doesn’t make the best use of space. The area is cramped and the layout is not efficient. The new design will see individual work stations for nurses so they can work more effectively and at the correct height. The storage and computer areas will designed to maximise the working space.
Crazy Hats executive fundraiser Glennis Hooper said: "We are delighted to be able to present NGH with £30,000 for this very worthwhile project. This brings the total we have given to the hospital to over £850,000 in the past thirteen years. We look forward to supporting them more in the future and we thank everyone who has helped us to help you."
Chief Executive Dr Sonia Swart said: "We’re very grateful to the Crazy Hats team for their tireless fundraising and all they do to help improve the experience of women undergoing and recovering from breast cancer treatment. Thanks to the inspirational leadership of Glennis and the dedication of her volunteers, thousands of local women have benefited from equipment and facilities that would otherwise not have been available."
The chemotherapy appeal is being coordinated by Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund with the aim of making patients’ stay more comfortable and improve the working environment for the oncology team.
To find out more about Crazy Hats charity, visit their website.
To find out more about the Chemotherapy Appeal, visit our charity webpage.
Posted on Wednesday 22nd July 2015