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Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

Therapies Frequently Asked Questions

Who do you see?

We see adult inpatients across all specialities during their hospital stay. Patients may be seen if, due to an accident or illness, they are no longer able to perform their daily activities and mobility at their former level.

How do I get referred?

If you need the services of the therapies team, this will be arranged through the ward teams. You can also ask to see a member of the Therapies team if you have any concerns.

How often will I be seen?

When you are initially assessed, the therapist will start a treatment plan outlining goals for you to work towards. This plan will determine how regularly you will need to be seen. Goals are regularly reviewed and adapted to meet each patient's needs, and the nurses and ward staff will continue to support you to work towards your goals between Therapy sessions.

What will happen when I leave the hospital?

Whilst you are in hospital your abilities will be observed/ assessed by the Multi-Disciplinary Team. If you have had a Therapy assessment and the Therapist has determined that you have on-going needs, they will identify where your needs could be best met and discuss the options with you. This could include home with a package of care and/or equipment, or rehabilitation either at home or in a dedicated rehabilitation setting dependant on your level of need.

What facilities do you have?

gym areas - with:

  • parallel bars
  • plinths
  • mobility and transfer aids
  • beds
  • therapy assessment equipment.

kitchen areas - with:

  • kettle
  • sink
  • fridge
  • microwave oven
  • cupboards
  • hot drink making equipment.

Will I get any equipment to go home with?

This is assessed on an individual need basis. Therapists have access to a catalogue of equipment and, where a need has been identified, they will either order this for delivery or issue on the ward where appropriate. There may be equipment that some patients would benefit from that is not available from this catalogue. Therapists will discuss this with you and suggest possible places that you could purchase them.

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