Joint CEO to lead three trusts establishing provider collaboration

Richard Mitchell, Chief Executive UHN and UHL
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire (UHN) and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) have confirmed today the next stage in the formal collaboration between their three Trusts with the agreement to work under a Joint Chief Executive.
Richard Mitchell, Chief Executive of UHL since October 2021, has accepted an invitation from the Boards of UHN and UHL to act as Joint Chief Executive from today (Monday 30 October). The Trusts have shared a Chair, John MacDonald, since July this year.
UHN is formed from Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH) and Northampton General Hospital (NGH), who came together to form a collaborative in 2021.
The three neighbouring trusts provide home, community, hospital and virtual care to a population of over two million people in the East Midlands. The trusts have many shared services, jointly employ clinicians and deliver world leading research through the Leicester Biomedical Research Centre. They will work more closely to strengthen clinical and support services and will improve efficiency, productivity and quality.
John MacDonald, Chair of the collaborative said: “This is positive news for the three trusts. In an environment where we face unprecedented demand for our services, financial instability and challenges recruiting and retaining workforce, it is imperative we work together to deliver excellent care and improve the experience for both patients and colleagues in a more sustainable way.
“We look forward to continuing and extending our work together to drive positive change for our communities.”
Richard Mitchell has been working with UHN as the Senior Responsible Officer for Collaboration and Chairs the East Midlands Acute Providers network.
He said: “I am excited to work with colleagues across the three trusts. We already work well together with jointly employed clinicians providing services to our shared communities. We will collaborate with NHS and Local Authority partners to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and create better employment opportunities across the region”.
Posted on Monday 30th October 2023