Our amazing healthcare support workers receive national awards

Yvonne Higgins and Nera Odongo present Amy (Top left), Lorna (Top middle), Sarah (Top right), Iain (Bottom left) and Mat (Bottom right) with their awards
Five healthcare support workers (HCSWs) from Northampton General Hospital have received national awards for the way they demonstrate NHS values.
Amy Taylor, Sarah Woolley, Iain Bonner, Mat Wright, and Lorna Walsh have all received Chief Nursing Officer for England Healthcare Support Excellence Awards for the ways in which they work to support patients and their colleagues. The awards were presented by Nerea Odongo, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and AHPs at Northampton General and she was joined for three of the presentations by Yvonne Higgings, Chief Nursing Officer of Northamptonshire ICB.
Amy and Sarah worked within medicine and urgent care on a six-month pilot project to improve the support healthcare support workers receive.
They developed a meet and greet induction programme, a tour of the Trust, an introduction to their department, and a way of partnering each new worker with an existing staff member for support.
Their nomination read: “Amy and Sarah have transformed the journey of healthcare support workers starting their career at NGH.
“They have been instrumental in introducing new HCSWs to their roles, listening to worries, and helping them learn new responsibilities.
“The pilot was such a success - with overwhelmingly positive feedback from new and existing HCSW and ward managers – that the pilot has continued into its twelfth month, and now covers the whole Trust, including maternity.”
Iain Bonner was nominated for the way he supported his colleagues in the emergency department over the last 20 months – including during the pandemic.
His nomination reads“He will always be there to help with any task, and always puts patient safety and comfort first. Iain worked in a covid ward during the first pandemic, and he has spoken of how hard it was to come to work every day not knowing how many patients had died overnight.
“He is the epitome of an excellent healthcare assistant. He respects all the staff he works alongside and wants to give the best possible care to all the patients that come through the doors of the emergency department. The emergency department is a challenging department to work in, but Iain shows up every shift ready to work as a team and provide the best he can give.”
Mat Wright works on Allebone Ward, a stroke rehabilitation ward, and started work in later life. His nomination read. “Mat encompasses what a healthcare assistant should be. He is caring, empathetic, courageous, and has so much time for patients and for and the staff he works alongside.
“Mat absolutely loves his job, and he is so passionate about being a healthcare assistant and looks after patients as if they were his family members.
“When I last saw Mat he was wet shaving a male patient that was recovering from a stroke. I stood back and watched him; he was speaking to this patient the whole time and he was so gentle and took so much pride in this task. You could tell the patient felt so much better once Mat had finished. “
Lorna was nominated for the way she worked when she suddenly had to support five new HCSWs who were joining a ward all at the same time. She organised them into effective team providing a high standard of care for patients and ensure there was a buddy system to support the new workers themselves. She managed to create a calm environment at a very busy time.
Her nomination included: “When I walked onto the ward I was amazed how organised Lorna was with delegating to other team members to also support the new HCSWS. I feel a massive thankyou and praise is required for what Lorna has achieved – and also achieves on an everyday basis with patients and team members.”
Northampton General Hospital’s Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Nerea Odongo, said: “Amy, Sarah, Iain, Mat, and Lorna, exemplify the values of the NHS and help us to make our hospital a great place to be cared for in, and a great place to work.
“I am delighted they have been successful in achieving Chief Nursing Officer for England Healthcare Support Excellence Awards for the ways in which they have supported patients, and each other, in such a kind, supportive and compassionate way.”
Posted on Wednesday 23rd August 2023